The BIG Why?
We know connection has a healing proponent. We can feel the impact connection has on our lives. Now, the research is drilling into a deeper picture of how important connection is for our health and well-being.
At a time in our history when the marginalization of our minority friends and neighbors is at the forefront, we have the data to make this even more abundantly clear. A study by Fox Cities in Wisconsin describes how people with social connections experience much less depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. In addition, minorities, in particular, are sometimes twice or three times more affected by isolation, with higher numbers of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation.
The most significant disparity in mental health care is between the uninsured and those living below the national income level. Why? According to the 2023 State of Mental Health in the United States, of adults experiencing mental health challenges, 55 percent are not treated. Sixty percent of children do not receive mental health treatment. Returning to the Fox Cities study, it’s apparent that income directly correlates to isolation and being uninsured.
So What does this tell us? The picture this data paints is that our mental health needs attention. There are gaps in care and treatment, so we need alternative forms of treatment.
This is where the Community Living room comes in! If a connection can literally save our lives, providing a safe, comfortable, and understanding space is an impactful solution.
We trust that leaving care up to the clinic can no longer be the only way. We need more! We need each other. ❤️
Small connection, big impact.
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